
Mr. Springer goes to Washington

Posted by admin on Saturday, June 5, 2004

by Janet Donovan

Celebrities & politicians “spring from the same DNA”. Jack Valenti

Mr. Springer goes to Boston.

Say what?

The Jerry Springer circus will descend on the
Democratic National Convention in Boston this summer
when the pop culture icon arrives as an at-large
delegate from Ohio. Purported to be an
embarrassment for the Democrats and fodder for the
Republicans, it's a curious choice but hey, why not?
This is America, or Amurica as Chris Matthews would

British born Springer, currently in London filling
in for a local DJ, could probably reason that no
matter how raunchy and disgusting his talk show is,
nothing compares to the "theater" in Iraq. The 'no
need to be described again' photos on the front pages
of the media world wide are truly an embarrassment.
And did we mention Chalabi? Now there's a standup

This is by no means an endorsement of Springer. I,
for one, have never seen his talk show nor do I have
a craving to do so. Humiliating midgets on
national television is not my thing.

Springer even makes Cicciolina look good.
Surely you remember her - the
stripper who continued acting in hardcore videos
after winning a seat in the Italian Parliament but
also offered on at least two occasions to sleep with
Saddam Hussein if he would just agree "to knock
it off already" and make peace.

Well you didn't hear it here first, nor will you
hear it here last, but it is indeed true. Jerry
Spinger is an official delegate. Stay tuned.........a "Springer"
opera coming to Broadway in 2005 and a possible run
for Ohio governor or Senate in 2006.

They wanna be in Congress!

I'm moving to Hollywood, and then I'm moving back to
Washington. Make sense? Sure it does if you want
to run for Congress, which I don't by the way.

Just ask political aspirants Ben Affleck and Sean
and Tom Hanks and of course Arrrrrrrrnuld who
thinks the citizenship laws that kept Kissinger
out of the Oval office should be revised.

The celebrity/political love fest could even be felt
at this year's film festival in Cannes where Michael
unveiled "Fahrenheit 9/11" a political
documentary meant to turn up the heat on Bush.
Walt Disney Co. backed off and subsequently refused to
distribute it. Penn was there pumping his new flick
based on a true story of a furniture salesman that
had planned to assassinate President Nixon by flying
a plane into the White House. Now there's an
innovative thought. The movie is aptly titled "The
Assassination of President Nixon".

It seems like just yesterday that Sean received a lot of flak for
his Iraq trip and was considered to be a target on a
Hollywood blacklist. Then he got an Oscar, go

Meanwhile, Ben Affleck was back at the ranch holding
court with Ted Kennedy, the senior Senator from
Massachusetts, helping him propose a $1.85 increase
in the minimum wage. It was suggested by his
detractors that not only is he not an economist and
therefore should keep his mouth shut, but he hasn't
even played one in the movies. Huh? No such
animosity from the staffers though as they eagerly
lined up for the photo-ops and a shot at being the
next JLo.

Gotta go, this just in. "MSNBC Breaking News & NBC
EXCLUSIVE: New allegations of detainee abuse at
secret Baghdad facility." Now there's a movie in the

So That’s All Folks!

Yup, that’s all.

Hollywood on The Potomac@2004
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