
Katharine Weymouth's Summer White Party

Posted by admin on Thursday, July 16, 2009

If last Saturday night's White Party hosted by Katharine Weymouth, Goli Sheikoleslami, Molly Elkin & Ivan Wasserman is any indication as to how The Washington Post Publisher is surviving the controversy surrounding her 'salon' gatherings, you'd have to give her a thumbs up.

Could have been the weather: perfect. Could have been the guests: eclectic. Could have been the house: fab. Could have been the music and dancing: fun. Whatever the reason, she showed no visible signs of stress.

Harry Jaffe, longtime follower of The Washington Post for Washingtonian, may have gotten it right when he noted in an August 2008 article: " The woman seems unflappable. I’m beginning to think that longtime journalist Sally Quinn was not far off when she said, “Katharine is one of the most authentic people I’ve ever met.”

Considering her typical day goes like this: “I’ve been up since 5:55 and going nonstop. Got the three kids up. Put drops in the eyes of Red, the Cavalier King Charles spaniel. Fed the kids. Made lunches for the kids. Attempted to work out. Got two to the bus stop and the youngest to day camp at Beauvoir," Jaffe may be on to something.

Top photo: Molly Elkin and Beth Solomon

Right photo: Harry Jaffe

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