FREAKY: For anyone who follows political and cultural shenanigans might think that MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Willie Geist was talking about Washington in his book, “American Freak Show,” but he’s not. He’s talking about the other freak show: Snooki, Tiger Woods, Fidel Castro, Sarah Palin, Lindsey Lohan, “Blago” and Eliot Spitzer.
“American Freak Show – well, we live in it everyday. We may not know it, but we’re all unwitting participants – actors, extras – walking in the background of the freak show,” said Geist at a powerful A-list book party at the home of Norah O’Donnell and Geoff Tracy.
“One year ago, you didn’t know who Snooki was. Now it feels like she’s part of the family. Snooki perfectly represents the American Freak show: talent no longer requisite to become famous. Just have a little attitude, stuff yourself in your dress, get drunk on TV and you’ve got yourself a career,” he added.
On the even younger generation he says “I try to stay away from attacking teenagers, if possible, but in the second volume of ‘American Freak Show,’ I’m coming after Justin Bieber. He’s corrupting the tweens of this country.”
Guests included Maureen Dowd, Pat and Shelly Buchanan, Jonathan Capehart, Maureen Orth, Luke Russert and Karen Finney.
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